This week has been a busy one. Along with school we also enjoyed time with friends and family, made two library visits, park time, a few nature walks, a science class and more. It made for a full fun week!

We spent a lot of time on math and numbers this week, working on mastering our counting, writing and reading recognition to one hundred. Holly has also been working on some graphing skills, math counting cubes, manipulative's and patterning. We had fun with some math card games and Chutes & Ladders (to 100) and a couple of strategy games like Othello and Blokus.

Holly is working on refining her writing, spending time on letter size. Often she wants to hurry to get to the next project with me, I have to remind her to slow down, take her time and do quality work. She has written some small stories this week, which was a lot fun. As well, we have done a ton of reading this week - Holly reading to me and I am reading to her. A great book week!
A lot of time has been spent on the season of Fall with art work, nature walks, nature journaling, books, hand on projects and collecting. She is having a lot of fun so far with Fall and has decided that 'Fall' will be her new nature station in the house... so stay tuned for some fun photos of that as it develops. 
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